
  • Wimborne Minster

    wimborne minster

    The church of St Cuthburga, Winborne Minster dates back over 1300 years. The current church is mostly Norman in origin although there are Saxon and Gothic features. Features include chained library, an astronomical clock and tombs of Wessex kings

  • Abbotsbury Abbey

    abbotsbury abbey view

    The Abbey of St Peter was a Benedictine monastery founded in the 11th century. All that remains of the abbey now is a single wall

  • Sherborne Abbey

    sherborne abbey side

    Whilst now only a parish church Sherborne Abbey has been a Saxon cathedral and a Benedictine abbey. The majority of the building is Norman in origin although Saxon features remain.

  • Christchurch Priory Church

    Christchurch Priory

    Reputedly the longest parish church in England, the current building dates back to 1094. This grand church is built on the site of a 7th century Saxon Priory