Chapman's Pool

  • chapmans cove cliffs
  • chapmans pool

Chapman's Pool is a small cove cut into the steep cliffs near the imposing St Aldhelm's Head. The geology is similar to Lulworth Cove in that the sea has eroded the hard outer rocks and is now rapidly (in geological terms) eroding the softer limestone to form a horseshoe shaped cove. The result is not quite as impressive as Lulworth but the remote, rugged location makes up for that.

There is little at Chapman's Pool except a huddle of fisherman's huts and a few small boats. It is a fair hike to get here and access is via the steep sides of the valley leading down to the cove. This guarantees the beach remains a quiet and special place.

Type of beach

Sand & pebble
Pet friendly

Dog desc

Dogs allowed

Nearest town